2013-05-28 | 产品资讯 凯发k8国际与美国Bioscan公司关于分子成像产品开展合作
(凯发k8国际中国·古泽社长与Bioscan公司Staf van Cauter总裁合影)
MRS 1500
MRS 3000
此次合作的产品系列中,实验小动物用荧光断层装置 BioFLECT,BioFLECT/CT(注1)
(FLuorescence Emission Computed Tomography)
BioFLECT/CT 在BioFLECT上配备了一体型X射线CT,可以得到X射线图像和荧光断层图像相融合的精确图像。
实验小动物用核磁共振成像设备MRS 1500(1.5特斯拉),MRS 3000(3特斯拉)
Shimadzu Corporation Agrees to Represent Bioscan Molecular Imaging Products in China
Washington, DC, USA and Shanghai, China - May 28, 2013 – Earlier this month, Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd. (“Shimadzu”) andBioscan, Inc. (“Bioscan”) reached an agreement enabling Shimadzu to distribute Bioscan’s molecular imaging products in China. Shimadzu began representing the Bioscan product line on May 15th.
Preclinical molecular imaging uses molecular biomarkers in animals to conduct in vivo studies that generate more relevant, consistent biological data while reducing research cost and complexity. The result is more efficient, effective research into disease characteristics, new diagnostics and new therapies.
Washington, DC-based Bioscan is a well-established supplier of molecular imaging devices, with a strong market share in Europe and North America. Through its partnership with Bioscan, Shimadzu Enterprise Management (China) Co., Ltd. will provide Chinese research customers with high quality products and related services.
Caption: Mr. Furusawa, President of Shimadzu China and Staf van Cauter, President and CEO of Bioscan shake hands after concluding the distribution agreement
Shimadzu will be focusing on several of Bioscan’s molecular imaging products:
•BioFLECT and BioFLECT/CT small animal true-360° fluorescence tomography scanners
•MRS 1500 and MRS 3000 small animal molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners
•BioPET/MR combination positron emission tomography (PET) and MRI scanners
The two companies plan to extend the collaboration to more products over time.
With the new BioFLECT (FLuorescence Emission Computed Tomography) scanner, Bioscan enables researchers to realize the full potential of in vivo optical imaging for the first time. With BioFLECT's true 360° tomographic system, researchers no longer have to choose between imaging only near the surface of the subject and partial tomography solutions that distort the subject or create artifacts. Instead, the BioFLECT provides uniform sensitivity and resolution throughout the subject. For the first time, researchers will be able to examine deep tissue phenomena such as spontaneous metastases without sacrificing image quality or quantitative accuracy. With the optional upgrade to integrated, inline X-Ray CT, researchers will gain anatomical correlation data that will significantly improve the segmentation and resolution of the optical image.
Caption: Bioscan’sBioFLECT/CT (FLuorescenceEmission Computed Tomography) Scanner.
Bioscan’spreclinical molecular MRI systems, the MRS 1500 (1.5T) & MRS 3000 (3.0T), rely upon innovative, cryogen-free superconducting magnets that have virtually no fringe field, enabling safe use of the system in any facility and by any operator. Designed to work withBioscan'smolecular imaging modalities (PET, SPECT and FLECT), these MRI systems deliver powerful performance and ease-of-use. The MRS 1500 and MRS 3000 systems are compact with a small footprint design and can be placed within 1-2m of another imaging system.
All Bioscan systems utilize common animal handling and image analysis solutions, enabling multimodality use with other Bioscan systems.
About Bioscan
Bioscan is a leading supplier of preclinical, nano-tomographic molecular imaging solutions that enable groundbreaking life sciences research. Preclinical imaging uses molecular biomarkers in animals to conduct in vivo studies that generate more relevant, consistent biological data while reducing research cost and complexity. Bioscan’s innovative nuclear (PET & SPECT), 3D optical, ultrasound, X-Ray CT and MRI imaging tools are used by more than 100 leading academic and government research institutions and life sciences companies worldwide to improve their disease, drug discovery and development research. The unique imaging performance enabled by Bioscan‘s patented technologies makes it possible to translate research protocols and results directly from animal models of diseases to human clinical trials, enabling faster, more efficient development of new diagnostics and therapies. Bioscan is a privately held company based in Washington, DC, USA.