作者 |
题目 |
杂志名称 |
卷 |
页 |
马书懿 |
西北师范大学学报(自然科学版) |
第46 卷2010 年第1 期 |
Yanli Wang |
Direct Imaging of Titania Nanotubes Located in Mouse Neural Stem Cell Nuclei Yanli |
Research Article |
Nano Res (2009) 2 |
Xiong-Rui Su |
Plasmonic interferences and optical modulations in dark-bright-dark plasmon resonators |
043113 (2010) |
Hu Zhou |
Separation of NaCl, glycin from collagen solution by the thermal sensitive polyurethane membrane |
Desalination |
249 (2009) |
Jun Liu1,2 |
42 (2009) 115409 (6pp) |
周婷婷 |
功能材料 |
2009年第12期(40)卷 |
C.W.Zou |
Preparation of GaN films on glass substrates by middle frequency magnetron sputtering |
Q M Fu |
42 (2009) 035311 (5pp) |
张丽伟 |
人工晶体学报 |
第38卷第一期2009年2月 |
马书懿 |
西北师范大学学报 |
第45卷2009年第5期 |
刘晓燕 |
液晶与显示 |
第24卷第六期 |
孙润广 |
化学学报 |
2009年第67卷第15期 |
李文涓 |
化学研究与应用 |
第21卷第3期2009年3月 |
付 群 |
高等学校化学学报 |
2009年3月 |
刘颖 |
生物技术通报 |
2009年第7期 |
Changchun Haoa |
Behavior of sulfatide/cholesterol mixed monolayers at the air/water interface |
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
69(2009) |
201-206 |
Runguang Suna |
A monolayer study on phase behavior and morphology of binary mixtures of sulfatides with DPPC and DPPE |
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces |
73(2009) |
161-167 |
HAO ChangChun |
Thermodynamic behavior of D-sphingosine/cholesterol monolayers and the topography observed by AFM
Sci China Ser B-Chem |
52(2009) |
219-225 |
郝长春 |
DOPC,DOPE和神经酰胺对鞘磷脂/胆固醇双层膜结构的影响 |
高等学校化学学报 |
30(2009) |
王博 |
超声波强化提取对茯苓水溶性多糖结构影响的研究 |
应用声学 |
28(2009) |
王海龙 |
神经节苷脂的红外、紫外光谱分析及其多聚体结构的原子力显微镜观测 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
29(2009) |
1045-1049 |
王博 孙润广 张静 |
羧甲基茯苓多糖结构的红外光谱表征与原子力显微镜观测 | 光谱学与光谱分析 | 29(2009) | 88-92 |
Aoneng Cao Zhen Liu Saisai Chu Minghong Wu Zhangmei Ye Zhengwei Cai Yanli Chang Shufeng Wang Qihuang Gong Yuanfang Liu |
A Facile One-step Method to Produce Graphene–CdS Quantum Dot Nanocomposites as Promising Optoelectronic Materials | advanced materials | 21 (2009) |
1-4 |
Qiang Yan Jinying Yuan Fengbo Zhang Xiaofeng Sui Xuming Xie Yingwu Yin Shanfeng Wang Yen Wei |
Cellulose-Based Dual Graft Molecular Brushes as Potential Drug Nanocarriers:Stimulus-Responsive Micelles, Self-Assembled Phase Transition Behavior,and Tunable Crystalline Morphologies | biomacromolecules | 10 (2009) |
2033-2042 |
Hai-Mu Ye Jun Xu Bao-Hua Guo Tadahisa Iwata |
Left-or Right-Handed Lamellar Twists in Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybalerate]Banded Spherulite:Dependence on Growth Axis | macromolecules | 42 (2009) |
694-701 |
Defu Li Changdao Mu Sumei Cai Wei Lin |
Ultrasonic irradiation in the enzymatic extraction of collagen | Ultrasonics Sonochemistry | 16(2009) | 605-609 |
Wei Zhao |
Dispersion and Noncovalent Modification of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Various Polystyrene-Based Polymers |
Journal of Applied Polymer Science |
109 |
3525-3532 |
Hisashi Shima |
Local chemical state change in Co-O resistance random access memory |
physica status solidi |
2 |
99-101 |
小暮亮雅 |
纳米研究显微镜观察细胞外线粒体 |
凯发k8国际评论 |
64 |
131-137 |
大田昌弘 |
大气中·溶液中高分辨率FM-AFM的开发(2) |
第55届 |
No.2 |
692 |
出来真斗 |
利用电流检测型原子力显微镜评价低温多晶Si薄膜的局部电特性 |
第55届 |
No.2 |
902 |
櫻井岳暁 |
插入PEDOT:PSS层引起的P3HT:PCBM薄膜内部构造的变化 |
第55届 |
No.3 |
1303 |
Yuna Seo |
Particle capture by marine bacteria |
49 |
243-253 |
S. Kakio |
Highly(100)-Oriented Potassium Niobate Thin Films Prepared by RF-Magnetron Sputtering |
2007 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium |
P1G-3 |
黒沢 元 |
高频溅射制作高取向KNbO3薄膜及其评价 |
日本音响学会2007年秋季研究报告会 |
1-10-24 |
大田昌弘 |
大气中·溶液中高分辨率FM-AFM的开发(1) |
第68届应用物理学会学术演讲会 |
No.2 |
704 |
大藪範昭 |
大气及溶液中高分辨率·低热漂移FM-AFM头部的开发 |
第68届应用物理学会学术演讲会 |
No.2 |
705 |
Novel Polymer Monolith Prepared from a Water-Soluble Crosslinking Agent |
Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry |
45 |
3811-3817 |
坂井高雅 |
利用AFM探针机械微除去加工纳米薄板—纳米机械微除去加工的高精度化 |
精密工学会志 |
73 |
798-802 |
Ken-ichiro Yamamoto |
Evaluation of asymmetrical structure dialysis membrane by tortuous capillary pore diffusion model |
Journal of Membrane Science |
287 |
88-93 |
Domain Wall Observations and the Phase Trsansition in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-8%PbTiO3 by AFM |
Ferroelectrics |
347 |
157-161 |
Yan-Feng Chen |
Effects of micelle structures formed in selective solvents on crystallization behaviors of poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(styrene) copolymers |
Polymer |
48 |
2755-2761 |
Tetsuya Kako |
Photoinduced Amphiphilic Property of InNbO4 Thin Film |
Langmuir |
23 |
1924-1927 |
Peng Wang |
The effect of applied negative bias voltage on the structure of Ti-doped a-C:H films deposited by FCVA |
Applied Surface Science |
253 |
3722-3726 |
Ebru Gu¨ nister |
Synthesis and characterization of chitosan-MMT biocomposite systems |
Carbohydrate Polymers |
67 |
358-365 |
Rong-Ho Lee |
Enhancing electroluminescence performance of MEH-PPV based polymer light emitting device via blending with organosoluble polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes |
European Polymer Journal |
43 |
715-724 |
Taichi Yoshioka |
Simple estimation of strain distribution in narrow-stripe waveguide array fabricated by selective MOVPE |
Journal of Crystal Growth |
298 |
676-681 |
Jianfeng Wang |
Influence of sputtering bias on the microstructure and properties of Nb-Si-N films |
Surface & Coatings Technology |
201 |
4931-4934 |
Takeshi Karino |
Nonuniformity in Natural Rubber As Revealed by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, and Atomic Force Microscopy |
Biomacromolecules |
8 |
693-699 |
Shunji Yunoki |
Preparation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Nanocomposite Gel |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
7 |
818-821 |
Akira Monkawa |
Collagen Coating on Hydroxyapatite Surfaces Modified with Organosilane by Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Method |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
7 |
833-838 |